Pricing & Packages

Pro DJ: $120/hr

You get your own DJ with a 2-speaker sound system and standard DJ lighting. (Limited MC)

a dj booth with blue lighting and a white backdrop
a dj booth with blue lighting and a white backdrop
Pro DJ & Bilingual MC: $150/hr

Comes with Bilingual DJ & bilingual MC (Master of Ceremonies), with stereo 3-speaker sound system and advanced DJ lighting.

a man in a tuxedo suit and a woman in a black dress
a man in a tuxedo suit and a woman in a black dress

Extra Packages: (optional)

LED Robot Show:

Insured performer, balloon props, CO2 tank, & pics with guests.

a man in a robot suit
a man in a robot suit

Extra Packages: (optional)

Uplighting Service:

Multi colored, LED and battery powered, & light shows.

a large room with tables and chairs and purple lighting
a large room with tables and chairs and purple lighting

Extra Packages: (optional)

2 TV displays for VDJ

Your own VDJ with music videos playing, 1 video with your name.

a large white dance floor with a DJ  booth
a large white dance floor with a DJ  booth

Extra Packages: (optional)

Ceremony Setup:

PA sound system with music & wireless microphone.

a wedding ceremony with a ceremony in the background
a wedding ceremony with a ceremony in the background

Extra Packages: (optional)

Dancing in the Cloud:

Fog machine with cloud effect & 1 machine operator.

a bride and groom share a first dance in a cloud filled with smoke
a bride and groom share a first dance in a cloud filled with smoke